Terms & Conditions for Content Submissions

  1. By submitting any content via the website you agree to grant tulipgarden.in, and its affiliates, subsidiaries, assignees, licensees and legal representatives ("Affiliates"), a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual right and license to:
    • Use, reproduce, distribute, store, transmit, broadcast, publish, publicly perform and publicly display the Content, in whole or in part
    • Modify, reformat, adapt, translate and create derivative works from the Content, in whole or in part
  2. You declare that you (your child) are the sole owner and author of the content and own 100% of all copyrights pertaining to the content. In case you are using a part of someone else's work, you declare that you have permission from the owner or author to submit the content to tulipgarden.in
  3. You agree that you (your child), or any of your publisher, or holders of the copyright to the content do not have any objections in submitting and featuring the work with tulipgarden.in
  4. We will not be responsible if the submitted content infringes any copyright or is plagiarized. You would be responsible for any legal actions arriving due to this
  5. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold tulipgarden.in harmless for all claims, liabilities, damages and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses) arising from your breach of any representation or warranty set out in this point 2, 3 and 4
  6. You reserve the right to request that any of your published material is removed from our website by written request. Upon written request the editors at tulipgarden.in will honor this request and remove your article as soon as possible
  7. We would try to publish the submitted work as - is, however in some cases we might update some of the content before publishing it
  8. We would be disqualifying any work which promotes: indecency, obscenity, harassment, abusive language, defamatory, racially & ethnically offensive, unlawful, libelous, threatening, pornographic, hateful intent
  9. We reserve the right to qualify or disqualify publishing of the content
  10. We reserve the right to remove any publish content from our website at our own discretion

Changes to these Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions were last updated on: 11-May-2014